INCALCANDO provides creative  technology solutions for artists and musicians working with digital audio and/or visual and seeking to enhance the interactivity with their software and hardware.

Parat+ is an interactive Open Sound Control (OSC) and MIDI controller apps for mobile devices.

INCALCANDO also offers specialised consultancy on interactive technology for performance and studio.

INCALCANDO offers apps developed by practitioners for practitioners.

About Incalcando

INCALCANDO understands that creative tools need to connect to conventional models and offer intuitive extensions to cater for the demands of creative professionals, artists, musicians and producers, and inspire further innovation.

Parat+ is an app for iOS that allows realtime control of several devices through multi-touch gestures with just one interface. A virtual ‘fader box’, it allows you to record, remap and set controls instantly and intuitively. Swipe and multitouch gestures record, loop and remap the interval of each fader and responsivity curve. Rescale, enlarge, pause and interrupt to modify your controls in realtime. Control sound levels, effects parameters, synthesis, lights and more via OSC and MIDI simultaneously.

INCALCANDO’s products have been designed with the knowledge that creative work requires tools that can grow with their users, allowing individual and intuitive creative application while maintaining flexibility and diversity. Artists who are familiar with programming or proficient with highly flexible systems based on e.g. Max, PureData or Processing, will appreciate the intuitive approach to data handling and parameter mapping and, crucially, users who lack the experience to deal with sophisticated technology will find themselves empowered to embrace cutting-edge interactive technology in the most intuitive and approachable manner. By reducing the technical involvement for data handling to a minimum, the user is free to make artistic and aesthetic choices and to be guided by their own creativity, avoiding the constraints of conventional software and controllers.

About Parat+

Parat+ is an app for iOS that allows realtime control of several devices through multi-touch gestures with just one interface. A virtual ‘fader box’, it allows you to record, remap and set controls instantly and intuitively. Swipe and multitouch gestures record, loop and remap the interval of each fader and responsivity curve. Rescale, enlarge, pause and interrupt to modify your controls in realtime. Control sound levels, effects parameters, synthesis, lights and more via OSC and MIDI simultaneously. For full information and documentation visit the Parat+ website.

Parat+ allows finger gestures, recorded shapes and sensor readings from networked microcontrollers such as Arduino, Teensy, ESP6288 and x-OSC to be re-scaled, augmented, paused, interrupted and overridden in realtime at any time.

Faders can also be controlled directly from the iPad/iPhone mic and sensors, with optional gating and threshold.

Parat+ is fully compatible with any OSC enabled software such as Max, PD, Reaktor, Ardour, Processing, Digital Performer, Reaper and more. Use MIDI to control all other software and hardware including DMX for lighting rigs.

Parat+ brings together the experience of developing interactive performance systems and installations over more than a decade. Prototypes of Parat+ have been employed successfully and reliably on stage and studio.


To get in touch with us please send an email to:

info at incalcando dot com.

INCALCANDO Ltd is registered in Scotland, UK, Company Number: SC550035 Registered Office: 1/2, 9 Grantley Street, Glasgow G41 3PT